Volume 10, Number 2, 2016
The influence of ruptured anterior cruciate ligament on the biomechanical weakening of knee joint and posterior cruciate ligament
A. Vulović, A. Vukićević, G. Jovičić, B. Ristić, N. Filipović (UDC: 616.728.3-001:612.769)
Modal analysis and stiffness optimization: the case of ceramic tile finishing
A. Pavlović, C. Fragassa, F. Ubertini, A. Martini (UDC: 621.01:666.75)
Solving the transverse bending problem of thin elastic orthotropic plates with form factor interpolation method
V. I. Korobko, A. V. Korobko, S. Y. Savin, A. A. Chernyaev (UDC: 624.073.041)
The effect of slip velocity on the ferrofluid based squeeze film in longitudinally rough conical plates
J. R. Patel1, G. M. Deheri (UDC: 624.073:620.191.5)
Approximation methods for the actual trajectory of load carried by overhead crane to the required one – a comparative analysis
M. S. Korytov, V. S. Shcherbakov, E. O. Shershneva, I, V. Breus (UDC: 621.874:681.515.8)
Modeling of patient-specific three semicircular canals
V. Stojić, I. Saveljić, Ž. Milošević, D. Nikolić, T. Exarchos, N. Filipović (UDC: 612.858.3)
Solvation Enthalpies and Gibbs Energies of the Proton and Electron – Influence of Solvation Models
J. Tošović, S. Marković, D. Milenković, Z. Marković (UDC: 539.125.4:66.093.1, 539.124:66.093.1)