Goals of Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics


·       Publishes original research in computational mechanics and numerical methods

·       Also, emphasis is on applications of computational methods and software in engineering and natural sciences, as well as in biomedicine and bioengineering 

·       Interdisciplinary investigations which couple natural and engineering sciences, informatics, multiscale concepts and different computational methods and approaches

Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics publishes original research in computational mechanics and computational methods accompanied by software and its applications. The journal focuses on areas that employ application of mechanics, mathematics, natural and medical sciences and achievements in other modern fields such as molecular dynamics, particle dynamics and imaging.

Areas covered by the journal include solid and structural mechanics, constitutive modeling, inelastic and finite deformation, biological models. The journal also covers fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interactions, biomechanics, fracture mechanics, multi-scale mechanics, particle and meshfree methods, cell and tissue mechanics, nanomechanics, transport phenomena in engineering and biology, and heat transfer. Journal also publishes achievements in other fields, such as chemistry, biology and medicine where computational methods are implemented.